Departure and arrival
Refresh Current departure time in Halden at 15:31 o'clock
Time | Train | Direction / stops on the way | Platform | |
earlier | ||||
15:47 | IC 119 |
Göteborg Central
Halden 15:47 - Ed Station 16:25 - Trollhättan Central 17:09 - Göteborg Central 17:40 |
1 |
16:11 | IC 390 |
Oslo S
Halden 16:11 - Sarpsborg 16:29 - Fredrikstad 16:41 - Raade(N) 16:54 - Rygge 17:01 - Moss 17:09 - Ski 17:31 - Oslo S 18:02 |
1 |
later |
All stops shown up to this sign , behind only the most important are shown.