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Refresh Current departure time in Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) at 08:18 o'clock

Time   Train Direction / stops on the way
08:24 R 960R
Tisvildeleje st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 08:24 - Duemose st 08:26 - Helsinge st 08:31 - Troldebakkerne St. 08:34 - Vejby st 08:39 - Holloese st 08:41 - Godhavn st 08:43 - Tisvildeleje st 08:46
08:33 R 950R
Hilleroed st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 08:33 - Hilleroed st 08:41
08:34 R 950R
Gilleleje st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 08:34 - Maarum (Graested-Gilleleje) st 08:38 - Saltrup st 08:41 - Graested Syd st 08:43 - Graested st 08:46 - Paarup st 08:50 - Fjellenstrup st 08:52 - Gilleleje st 08:55
08:39 R 960R
Hilleroed st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 08:39 - Gribsoe st 08:40 - Slotspavillonen st 08:46 - Hilleroed st 08:51
08:54 R 960R
Tisvildeleje st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 08:54 - Duemose st 08:56 - Helsinge st 09:01 - Oerby st 09:06 - Vejby st 09:09 - Holloese st 09:11 - Godhavn st 09:13 - Tisvildeleje st 09:16
09:03 R 950R
Hilleroed st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 09:03 - Hilleroed st 09:11
09:04 R 950R
Gilleleje st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 09:04 - Maarum (Graested-Gilleleje) st 09:08 - Saltrup st 09:11 - Graested Syd st 09:13 - Graested st 09:16 - Paarup st 09:20 - Fjellenstrup st 09:22 - Gilleleje st 09:25
09:09 R 960R
Hilleroed st
Kagerup Station (Hilleroed) 09:09 - Slotspavillonen st 09:16 - Hilleroed st 09:21

All stops shown up to this sign , behind only the most important are shown.

All information is issued without liability.