Departure and arrival
Refresh Current departure time in Bad Schandau at 22:43 o'clock
Time | Train | Direction / stops on the way | Platform | |
earlier | ||||
22:45 | S 1 |
Coswig(b Dresden)
Bad Schandau 22:45 - Königstein(Sächs Schw) 22:49 Heidenau 23:13 - Dresden-Zschachwitz 23:16 - Dresden-Pieschen 23:41 - Radebeul-Zitzschewig 23:52 - Coswig(b Dresden) 23:55 |
2 |
23:15 | S 1 |
Coswig(b Dresden)
Bad Schandau 23:15 - Königstein(Sächs Schw) 23:19 Dresden-Dobritz 23:50 - Dresden-Reick 23:52 - Radebeul-Weintraube 00:18 - Radebeul-Kötzschenbroda 00:20 - Coswig(b Dresden) 00:25 |
4 |
later |
All stops shown up to this sign , behind only the most important are shown.