Departure and arrival
Refresh Current departure time in Mohorn Wendeplatz, Wilsdruff at 23:20 o'clock
Time | Train | Direction / stops on the way | |
earlier | |||
23:20 | Bus 333 |
Postplatz, Dresden
Mohorn Wendeplatz, Wilsdruff 23:20 - Mohorn Bahnhofstraße, Wilsdruff 23:22 - Mohorn Nossener Straße, Wilsdruff 23:22 - Mohorn Gasthof, Wilsdruff 23:23 Herzogswalde Baumannheim, Wilsdruff 23:25 - Grumbach Wendeplatz, Wilsdruff 23:31 - Postplatz, Dresden 00:13 |
later |
All stops shown up to this sign , behind only the most important are shown.