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Refresh Current departure time in Brünig-Hasliberg at 06:33 o'clock

Time   Train Direction / stops on the way Platform
06:51 PE 2913 Luzern
Brünig-Hasliberg 06:51 - Lungern 07:03 - Kaiserstuhl OW 07:09 - Giswil 07:18 - Sachseln 07:28 - Sarnen 07:32 - Luzern 07:55
06:52 Bus 158 Hasliberg Reuti, Dorf
Brünig-Hasliberg, Bahnhof 06:52 - Brünig-Hasliberg, Waldegg 06:53 - Hasliberg Hohfluh, Bodemli 06:55 - Hasliberg Hohfluh, Wetterhorn 06:57 Hasliberg Hohfluh, Post 06:59 - Hasliberg Goldern, Post 07:10 - Hasliberg Reuti, Dorf 07:15
Brünig-Hasliberg, Bahnhof
07:03 PE 2912 Interlaken Ost
Brünig-Hasliberg 07:03 - Meiringen 07:16 - Brienzwiler 07:27 - Brienz 07:33 - Brienz West 07:35 - Ebligen 07:38 - Oberried am Brienzersee 07:43 - Interlaken Ost 07:54
07:08 Bus 158 Hasliberg Reuti, Dorf
Brünig-Hasliberg, Bahnhof 07:08 - Brünig-Hasliberg, Waldegg 07:09 - Hasliberg Hohfluh, Bodemli 07:11 - Hasliberg Hohfluh, Wetterhorn 07:13 Hasliberg Goldern, Urseni 07:26 - Hasliberg Goldern, Post 07:27 - Hasliberg Reuti, Dorf 07:35
Brünig-Hasliberg, Bahnhof

Note: The list contains departure and arrival information of the stops Brünig-Hasliberg, Bahnhof .
All stops shown up to this sign , behind only the most important are shown.

All information is issued without liability.