Departure and arrival
Refresh Current departure time in Autreville at 08:57 o'clock
Time | Train | Direction / stops on the way | |
earlier | |||
09:15 | Bus P45 |
Neufchateau Lp
Autreville 09:15 - Martigny-les-Gerbonvaux 09:21 - Soulosse 09:26 - Neufchateau(Hopital) 09:30 - Neufchateau(F) 09:35 - Neufchateau Lp 09:44 |
09:15 | Bus35232 |
Neufchateau Lp
Autreville 09:15 - Martigny-les-Gerbonvaux 09:21 - Soulosse 09:26 - Neufchateau(Hopital) 09:30 - Neufchateau(F) 09:35 - Neufchateau Lp 09:44 |
later |
All stops shown up to this sign , behind only the most important are shown.