informace o cestì k RE 1 (4137)

nádra¾í / zastávka
nádra¾í / zastávka Saarbrücken Hbf
Odjezd z 21:19
nádra¾í / zastávka Völklingen
Pøíjezd v 21:26
Odjezd z 21:27
nádra¾í / zastávka Saarlouis Hbf
Pøíjezd v 21:34
Odjezd z 21:35
nádra¾í / zastávka Dillingen(Saar)
Pøíjezd v 21:38
Odjezd z 21:39
nádra¾í / zastávka Merzig(Saar)
Pøíjezd v 21:46
Odjezd z 21:47
nádra¾í / zastávka Mettlach
Pøíjezd v 21:52
Odjezd z 21:53
nádra¾í / zastávka Saarburg(Bz Trier)
Pøíjezd v 22:07
Odjezd z 22:07
nádra¾í / zastávka Konz
Pøíjezd v 22:18
Odjezd z 22:18
nádra¾í / zastávka Trier Hbf
Pøíjezd v 22:27
Odjezd z 22:31
nádra¾í / zastávka Schweich(DB)
Pøíjezd v 22:42
Odjezd z 22:42
nádra¾í / zastávka Wittlich Hbf
Pøíjezd v 22:56
Odjezd z 22:56
nádra¾í / zastávka Bullay(DB)
Pøíjezd v 23:09
Odjezd z 23:09
nádra¾í / zastávka Cochem(Mosel)
Pøíjezd v 23:18
Odjezd z 23:18
nádra¾í / zastávka Treis-Karden
Pøíjezd v 23:26
Odjezd z 23:26
nádra¾í / zastávka Kobern-Gondorf
Pøíjezd v 23:42
Odjezd z 23:42
nádra¾í / zastávka Koblenz Hbf
Pøíjezd v 23:56
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx xxxxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx ¦xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦  xxxxxx x 
èvc xxxxx xx ¦ x xx xxx¦xxxxxx xxxx
srp  x xxxxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 
záø xxxxxx x ¦xxx xxxxx¦ xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Saarbrücken Hbf --> Merzig(Saar))
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx xxxxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦  xxxxxx x 
èvc xxxxx xx ¦ x xx xxx¦xxxxxx xxxx
srp  x xxxxxx¦x xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 
záø xxxxxx x ¦xxx xxxxx¦ xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Merzig(Saar) --> Mettlach)
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx xxxxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx x  ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦  xxxxxx x 
èvc xxxxx xx ¦ x xx xxx¦xxxxxx xxxx
srp  x xxxxxx¦x xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 
záø xxxxxx x ¦xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Mettlach --> Saarburg(Bz Trier))
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx xxxxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx x  ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦  xxxxxx x 
èvc xxxxx xx ¦ x xx xxx¦xxxxxx xxxx
srp  x xxxxxx¦x xxxx xxxxxx xxxx x 
záø xxxxxx x ¦xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Saarburg(Bz Trier) --> Trier Hbf)
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx  xxxxx¦xxxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx  xxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx x  ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦  xxxxxx x 
èvc xxxxx xx ¦ x xx  xx¦xxxxxx xxxx
srp    xxxxxx¦x x xx xxxxxx xxxx ¦ 
záø xxxxxx x ¦ xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Trier Hbf --> Schweich(DB))
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx  xxxxx¦xxxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx  xxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx x  ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦  xxxxxx x 
èvc xxxxx xx ¦ x x¦  xx¦ xxxxx xxxx
srp     xxxxx¦x   xx xxxxxx xxxx ¦ 
záø xxxxxx x ¦ xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Schweich(DB) --> Wittlich Hbf)
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx  xxxxx¦xxxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx  xxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx x  ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦   xxxxx ¦ 
èvc xxxxx  x ¦ x  ¦  xx¦ xxxxx xxxx
srp     xxxxx¦x   xx xxxxxx xxxx ¦ 
záø xxxxxx x ¦ xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Wittlich Hbf --> Kobern-Gondorf)
Jede ve dnech:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
pro     ¦    xxxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
led xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
úno xx  xxxxx¦xxxxxx  xxxxx ¦xxxx¦ 
bøe x  xxxxx xxxxxx  xxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
dub xxxxx x  ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦ 
èvn     ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦   xxxxx ¦ 
èvc xxxxx  x ¦ x  ¦  xx¦ xxxxx xxxx
srp     xxxxx¦x   xx xxxxxx xxxx ¦ 
záø xxxxxx   ¦ xx ¦xxxxx xxxxxx xx 
øíj xxxx¦xxx xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
lis x xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx¦ 
pro xxxxxx xxxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
(Kobern-Gondorf --> Koblenz Hbf)
tbd: Operator: DB Regio AG Mitte SÜWEX
preprava jízdních kol v omezeném poctu dovolena
Rezervace u automatù DB/v cestovních centrech/v mnoha agenturách DB
asistence pri preprave vozíckáre
zásuvky pro laptopy
Aktuální informace o cestì
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Koblenz Hbf:  Construction work.  The train is cancelled between Trier Hbf and Koblenz Hbf. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Schweich(DB):  Construction work.  This train will arrive about 15 minutes late. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Trier Hbf -  Schweich(DB):  Construction work.  This train will arrive about 15 minutes late. Please check for any changes to your journey prior to departure.
Saarbrücken Hbf -  Trier Hbf:  Disruption.  Advance notice! Construction work between Saarlouis Hbf and Saarburg(Bz Trier) from 05.10.24 to 18.10.24. There will be changed run times, cancellation of stop-overs, partial cancellation, cancellation and replacement service. Please inform.
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