Route information for CB C14 (80074)

Station / stop
Station / stop Chemnitz Technopark
Departure dep 23:14
Station / stop Chemnitz TU Campus
Arrival arr 23:16
Departure dep 23:16
Station / stop Chemnitz Rosenbergstraße
Arrival arr 23:17
Departure dep 23:17
Station / stop Chemnitz Stadlerplatz
Arrival arr 23:18
Departure dep 23:18
Station / stop Chemnitz Bernsbachplatz
Arrival arr 23:20
Departure dep 23:20
Station / stop Chemnitz Annenstraße
Arrival arr 23:22
Departure dep 23:22
Arrival arr 23:24
Departure dep 23:25
Station / stop Chemnitz Roter Turm
Arrival arr 23:26
Departure dep 23:26
Station / stop Chemnitz Theaterplatz
Arrival arr 23:28
Departure dep 23:28
Arrival arr 23:30
Departure dep 23:30
Station / stop Chemnitz Hbf
Arrival arr 23:32
Departure dep 23:35
Arrival arr 23:40
Departure dep 23:41
Station / stop Oberlichtenau
Arrival arr 23:43
Departure dep 23:44
Station / stop Ottendorf(Mittweida)
Arrival arr 23:47
Departure dep 23:47
Station / stop Altmittweida
Arrival arr 23:51
Departure dep 23:51
Station / stop Mittweida
Arrival arr 23:54
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, 8. until 26. Jan 2024 Sa, Su; not 31. Dec, 17. until 23. Jun 2024; also 19. Jan (Chemnitz Technopark --> Chemnitz Hbf)
Days of operation: runs daily, 8. until 26. Jan 2024 Sa, Su; not 18., 31. Dec, 19. Feb, 22. Mar, 5. May, 12. Jun; also 19. Jan (Chemnitz Hbf --> Mittweida)
Operator: City-Bahn Chemnitz
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
no bicycle transport charges
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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