Route information for R 33517

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Balassagyarmat
Departure dep 07:49
Station / stop Szügy
Arrival arr 07:57
Departure dep 07:58
Station / stop Mohora
Arrival arr 08:05
Departure dep 08:05
Station / stop Magyarnandor
Arrival arr 08:09
Departure dep 08:10
Station / stop Nogradkövesd
Arrival arr 08:28
Departure dep 08:29
Station / stop Galgaguta
Arrival arr 08:34
Departure dep 08:34
Station / stop Acsa-Erdökürt
Arrival arr 08:41
Departure dep 08:42
Station / stop Püspökhatvan
Arrival arr 08:47
Departure dep 08:47
Station / stop Galgagyörk
Arrival arr 08:52
Departure dep 08:52
Station / stop Galgamacsa
Arrival arr 08:58
Departure dep 08:59
Station / stop Iklad-Domony felsö
Arrival arr 09:03
Departure dep 09:03
Station / stop Iklad-Domony
Arrival arr 09:05
Departure dep 09:06
Station / stop Aszod
Arrival arr 09:12
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily
Operator: MAV
2nd class only

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