Route information for RE 22 (57917)

Route from the 16.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Regensburg Hbf
Departure dep 11:19
Platform 108
Station / stop Obertraubling
Arrival arr 11:25
Departure dep 11:25
Platform 1
Station / stop Köfering
Arrival arr 11:29
Departure dep 11:29
Platform 1
Station / stop Hagelstadt
Arrival arr 11:32
Departure dep 11:33
Platform 1
Station / stop Eggmühl
Arrival arr 11:38
Departure dep 11:38
Platform 2
Station / stop Neufahrn(Niederbay)
Arrival arr 11:47
Departure dep 11:48
Platform 1
Station / stop Ergoldsbach
Arrival arr 11:51
Departure dep 11:51
Platform 2
Station / stop Landshut(Bay)Hbf
Arrival arr 12:03
Departure dep 12:05
Platform 6
Station / stop Moosburg
Arrival arr 12:16
Departure dep 12:17
Platform 2
Station / stop Freising
Arrival arr 12:27
Departure dep 12:28
Platform 2
Arrival arr 12:41
Platform 1
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 22., 23. Jun, 27., 28. Jul (Regensburg Hbf --> Köfering)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 27., 28. Jul (Köfering --> Neufahrn(Niederbay))
Days of operation: runs daily, not 27., 28. Jul (Neufahrn(Niederbay) --> Landshut(Bay)Hbf)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 27., 28. Jul (Landshut(Bay)Hbf --> Freising)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 27., 28. Jul (Freising --> München Flughafen Terminal)
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
vehicle-mounted access aid

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