Route information for Bus 101

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Bern, Hauptbahnhof
Departure dep 17:41
Platform S
Station / stop Bern, Schanzenstrasse
Arrival arr 17:43
Departure dep 17:43
Station / stop Bern, Inselplatz
Arrival arr 17:45
Departure dep 17:45
Platform D
Station / stop Bern, Bremgartenfriedhof
Arrival arr 17:46
Departure dep 17:46
Station / stop Bern, Güterbahnhof
Arrival arr 17:48
Departure dep 17:48
Station / stop Bern, Forsthaus
Arrival arr 17:49
Departure dep 17:49
Station / stop Bern, Weyermannshaus
Arrival arr 17:50
Departure dep 17:50
Station / stop Bern, Untermattweg
Arrival arr 17:52
Departure dep 17:52
Station / stop Bethlehem b. Bern, Kirche
Arrival arr 17:53
Departure dep 17:53
Station / stop Bern, Melchiorstrasse
Arrival arr 17:54
Departure dep 17:54
Station / stop Eymatt b. Bern, Camping
Arrival arr 17:56
Departure dep 17:56
Station / stop Kappelenring, Nord
Arrival arr 17:57
Departure dep 17:57
Station / stop Kappelenring, West
Arrival arr 18:00
Departure dep 18:05
Station / stop Kappelenring, Ost
Arrival arr 18:06
Departure dep 18:06
Arrival arr 18:08
Departure dep 18:08
Station / stop Eymatt b. Bern, Camping
Arrival arr 18:09
Departure dep 18:09
Station / stop Bern, Melchiorstrasse
Arrival arr 18:11
Departure dep 18:11
Station / stop Bethlehem b. Bern, Kirche
Arrival arr 18:12
Departure dep 18:12
Station / stop Bern, Untermattweg
Arrival arr 18:13
Departure dep 18:13
Station / stop Bern, Weyermannshaus
Arrival arr 18:15
Departure dep 18:15
Station / stop Bern, Forsthaus
Arrival arr 18:16
Departure dep 18:16
Station / stop Bern, Güterbahnhof
Arrival arr 18:18
Departure dep 18:18
Station / stop Bern, Bremgartenfriedhof
Arrival arr 18:19
Departure dep 18:19
Station / stop Bern, Inselplatz
Arrival arr 18:21
Departure dep 18:21
Platform C
Station / stop Bern, Schanzenstrasse
Arrival arr 18:26
Station / stop Bern, Hauptbahnhof
Arrival arr 18:28
Platform R
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 1. Aug
Operator: PostAuto Schweiz
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Low-floor coach

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