Route information for ALX RE25 (353)

Route from the 01.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop München Hbf
Departure dep 06:44
Platform 25
Station / stop Freising
Arrival arr 07:07
Departure dep 07:08
Platform 4
Station / stop Landshut(Bay)Hbf
Arrival arr 07:27
Departure dep 07:29
Platform 5
Station / stop Neufahrn(Niederbay)
Arrival arr 07:43
Departure dep 07:44
Platform 2
Station / stop Regensburg Hbf
Arrival arr 08:07
Departure dep 08:17
Platform 4
Station / stop Schwandorf
Arrival arr 08:44
Departure dep 08:53
Platform 1
Station / stop Cham(Oberpf)
Arrival arr 09:24
Departure dep 09:25
Platform 3
Station / stop Furth im Wald
Arrival arr 09:39
Departure dep 09:40
Platform 2
Current Train continues as EX 353 (353)
Station / stop Domazlice
Arrival arr 09:59
Departure dep 10:01
Station / stop Holysov
Arrival arr 10:21
Departure dep 10:22
Station / stop Plzen hl.n.
Arrival arr 10:47
Departure dep 11:00
Station / stop Praha-Smichov
Arrival arr 12:10
Departure dep 12:10
Station / stop Praha hl.n.
Arrival arr 12:22
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 4. until 19. May 2024 (München Hbf --> Domazlice)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 4. until 19. May 2024, 13. until 15. Jul 2024 (Domazlice --> Praha hl.n.)
Operator: Ceske Drahy, alex - Die Länderbahn GmbH DLB
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Tickets available on board train
WC with limited accessibility for wheelchair
Boarding aid in the middle section of the train
space for wheelchairs

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