Route information for RS7 (57774)

Route from the 26.04.24 Coach sequence

Station / stop
Station / stop Memmingen
Departure dep 12:32
Station / stop Kellmünz
Arrival arr 12:41
Departure dep 12:46
Station / stop Altenstadt(Iller)
Arrival arr 12:50
Departure dep 12:50
Station / stop Illertissen
Arrival arr 12:56
Departure dep 12:58
Station / stop Bellenberg
Arrival arr 13:01
Departure dep 13:01
Station / stop Vöhringen
Arrival arr 13:04
Departure dep 13:04
Station / stop Senden
Arrival arr 13:09
Departure dep 13:11
Station / stop Finningerstraße
Arrival arr 13:16
Departure dep 13:16
Station / stop Neu-Ulm
Arrival arr 13:19
Departure dep 13:20
Station / stop Ulm Hbf
Arrival arr 13:23
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 27., 28. Apr (Memmingen --> Senden)
Days of operation: runs daily (Senden --> Neu-Ulm)
Days of operation: runs daily (Neu-Ulm --> Ulm Hbf)
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
vehicle-mounted accessaid

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Coach sequence

Please select the station for which you wish to see the coach sequence.