Route information for Bus 46

Route from the 16.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Zürich, Bahnhofquai/HB
Departure dep 06:39
Arrival arr 06:40
Departure dep 06:40
Station / stop Zürich, Nordstrasse
Arrival arr 06:43
Departure dep 06:43
Station / stop Zürich, Lettenstrasse
Arrival arr 06:44
Departure dep 06:44
Arrival arr 06:45
Departure dep 06:46
Arrival arr 06:47
Departure dep 06:47
Station / stop Zürich, Lehenstrasse
Arrival arr 06:48
Departure dep 06:48
Station / stop Zürich, Rebbergsteig
Arrival arr 06:49
Departure dep 06:49
Station / stop Zürich, Kempfhofsteig
Arrival arr 06:50
Departure dep 06:51
Station / stop Zürich, Schwert
Arrival arr 06:52
Departure dep 06:52
Station / stop Zürich, Meierhofplatz
Arrival arr 06:53
Departure dep 06:53
Station / stop Zürich, Wieslergasse
Arrival arr 06:54
Departure dep 06:55
Station / stop Zürich, Singlistrasse
Arrival arr 06:55
Departure dep 06:55
Station / stop Zürich, Segantinistrasse
Arrival arr 06:56
Departure dep 06:56
Station / stop Zürich, Giblenstrasse
Arrival arr 06:57
Departure dep 06:57
Station / stop Zürich, Heizenholz
Arrival arr 06:58
Departure dep 06:58
Station / stop Zürich, Geeringstrasse
Arrival arr 06:59
Departure dep 06:59
Station / stop Zürich, Rütihof
Arrival arr 07:00
Please note
Days of operation: runs Su, not 14. Jul until 4. Aug 2024
Operator: Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Low-floor coach

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