Route information for Bus M85

Route from the 23.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Bern, Bahnhof
Departure dep 02:45
Platform D
Station / stop Bümpliz, Unterführung
Arrival arr 02:51
Departure dep 02:51
Platform D
Station / stop Bümpliz, Höhe
Arrival arr 02:51
Departure dep 02:51
Station / stop Bümpliz, Post
Arrival arr 02:52
Departure dep 02:52
Station / stop Bern, Brünnenstrasse
Arrival arr 02:54
Departure dep 02:54
Station / stop Bern, Stapfenacker
Arrival arr 02:54
Departure dep 02:54
Station / stop Bern, Fellerstrasse
Arrival arr 02:56
Departure dep 02:56
Station / stop Bern, Blumenfeld
Arrival arr 02:57
Departure dep 02:57
Station / stop Bethlehem b. Bern, Kirche
Arrival arr 02:58
Departure dep 02:58
Station / stop Bern, Untermattweg
Arrival arr 02:59
Departure dep 02:59
Station / stop Bern, Weyermannshaus
Arrival arr 03:00
Departure dep 03:00
Station / stop Bern, Forsthaus
Arrival arr 03:01
Departure dep 03:01
Station / stop Bern, Güterbahnhof
Arrival arr 03:02
Departure dep 03:02
Station / stop Bern, Bremgartenfriedhof
Arrival arr 03:02
Departure dep 03:02
Station / stop Bern, Inselplatz
Arrival arr 03:03
Departure dep 03:03
Station / stop Bern, Hirschengraben
Arrival arr 03:04
Departure dep 03:04
Platform E
Station / stop Bern, Bahnhof
Arrival arr 03:07
Platform D
Please note
Days of operation: runs Sa, Su
Operator: Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe Bern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Low-floor coach

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