Route information for RE 57 (10781)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Hagen Hbf
Departure dep 06:02
Platform 4
Station / stop Schwerte(Ruhr)
Arrival arr 06:11
Departure dep 06:12
Platform 1
Station / stop Fröndenberg
Arrival arr 06:21
Departure dep 06:21
Platform 1
Station / stop Wickede(Ruhr)
Arrival arr 06:26
Departure dep 06:27
Platform 2
Station / stop Neheim-Hüsten
Arrival arr 06:34
Departure dep 06:35
Platform 2
Station / stop Arnsberg(Westf)
Arrival arr 06:40
Departure dep 06:41
Platform 1
Station / stop Oeventrop
Arrival arr 06:45
Departure dep 06:46
Platform 1
Station / stop Freienohl
Arrival arr 06:50
Departure dep 06:51
Platform 2
Station / stop Meschede
Arrival arr 06:57
Departure dep 06:58
Platform 1
Station / stop Bestwig
Arrival arr 07:04
Departure dep 07:05
Platform 1
Station / stop Olsberg
Arrival arr 07:10
Departure dep 07:11
Platform 4
Station / stop Brilon Wald
Arrival arr 07:19
Departure dep 07:26
Platform 7
Station / stop Brilon Stadt
Arrival arr 07:34
Platform 2
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 6. Jul until 3. Aug 2024, 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Hagen Hbf --> Fröndenberg)
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 6. Jul until 3. Aug 2024, 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Fröndenberg --> Arnsberg(Westf))
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Arnsberg(Westf) --> Brilon Wald)
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 10. Aug until 14. Sep 2024, 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Brilon Wald --> Brilon Stadt)
Operator: DB Regio AG NRW
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
WC accessible for wheelchair
vehicle-mounted access aid

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