Route information for RB 16 (59153)

Route from the 27.05.24 Coach sequence

Station / stop
Station / stop Treuchtlingen
Departure dep 13:36
Station / stop Pappenheim
Arrival arr 13:42
Departure dep 13:42
Station / stop Solnhofen
Arrival arr 13:46
Departure dep 13:47
Station / stop Dollnstein
Arrival arr 13:52
Departure dep 13:52
Station / stop Eichstätt Bahnhof
Arrival arr 13:59
Departure dep 14:00
Station / stop Adelschlag
Arrival arr 14:03
Departure dep 14:04
Station / stop Tauberfeld
Arrival arr 14:07
Departure dep 14:08
Station / stop Eitensheim
Arrival arr 14:11
Departure dep 14:11
Station / stop Gaimersheim
Arrival arr 14:15
Departure dep 14:15
Station / stop Ingolstadt Audi
Arrival arr 14:18
Departure dep 14:19
Station / stop Ingolstadt Nord
Arrival arr 14:23
Departure dep 14:35
Station / stop Ingolstadt Hbf
Arrival arr 14:39
Departure dep 14:40
Station / stop Baar-Ebenhausen
Arrival arr 14:48
Departure dep 14:48
Station / stop Rohrbach(Ilm)
Arrival arr 14:57
Departure dep 14:57
Station / stop Pfaffenhofen(Ilm)
Arrival arr 15:05
Departure dep 15:05
Station / stop Reichertshausen(Ilm)
Arrival arr 15:10
Departure dep 15:10
Station / stop Paindorf
Arrival arr 15:13
Departure dep 15:14
Station / stop Petershausen(Obb)
Arrival arr 15:17
Departure dep 15:18
Station / stop Dachau Bahnhof
Arrival arr 15:28
Departure dep 15:28
Station / stop München Hbf
Arrival arr 15:40
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily (Treuchtlingen --> Ingolstadt Hbf)
Days of operation: runs daily (Ingolstadt Hbf --> Dachau Bahnhof)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 8., 9. Jun (Dachau Bahnhof --> München Hbf)
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
vehicle-mounted accessaid

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Coach sequence

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