Route information for S 28

Route from the 21.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Lenzburg
Departure dep 15:04
Platform 6
Station / stop Hunzenschwil
Arrival arr 15:07
Departure dep 15:07
Platform 1
Station / stop Suhr
Arrival arr 15:13
Departure dep 15:16
Platform 5
Station / stop Oberentfelden
Arrival arr 15:19
Departure dep 15:19
Platform 1
Station / stop Kölliken
Arrival arr 15:22
Departure dep 15:22
Platform 1
Station / stop Kölliken Oberdorf
Arrival arr 15:24
Departure dep 15:24
Platform 1
Station / stop Safenwil
Arrival arr 15:28
Departure dep 15:29
Platform 2
Station / stop Walterswil-Striegel
Arrival arr 15:31
Departure dep 15:31
Platform 1
Station / stop Küngoldingen
Arrival arr 15:34
Departure dep 15:34
Platform 1
Station / stop Zofingen
Arrival arr 15:38
Platform 40
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 1. Jun (Lenzburg --> Suhr)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 1. Jun, 25. until 29. Nov 2024 (Suhr --> Zofingen)
Operator: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
Number of bicycles conveyed limited

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