Route information for HLB RB48 (29406)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Friedberg(Hess)
Departure dep 09:19
Platform 12
Station / stop Dorheim(Wetterau)
Arrival arr 09:23
Departure dep 09:24
Platform 1
Station / stop Beienheim
Arrival arr 09:27
Departure dep 09:30
Platform 2
Station / stop Weckesheim
Arrival arr 09:32
Departure dep 09:32
Platform 1
Station / stop Reichelsheim(Wett)
Arrival arr 09:36
Departure dep 09:36
Platform 2
Station / stop Gettenau-Bingenheim
Arrival arr 09:40
Departure dep 09:40
Platform 1
Station / stop Echzell
Arrival arr 09:42
Departure dep 09:43
Platform 1
Station / stop Häuserhof
Arrival arr 09:49
Departure dep 09:49
Platform 1
Station / stop Bad Salzhausen
Arrival arr 09:53
Departure dep 09:54
Platform 1
Station / stop Nidda
Arrival arr 09:58
Platform 4
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 3. Oct
Operator: HLB Hessenbahn GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited

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