Route information for S 1

Route from the 26.06.24

Station / stop
Departure dep 13:51
Platform 1
Arrival arr 13:52
Departure dep 13:53
Platform 1
Station / stop Neufahrn(b Freising)
Arrival arr 13:59
Departure dep 14:04
Platform 2
Station / stop Eching
Arrival arr 14:07
Departure dep 14:07
Platform 2
Station / stop Lohhof
Arrival arr 14:10
Departure dep 14:10
Platform 2
Station / stop Unterschleißheim
Arrival arr 14:12
Departure dep 14:12
Platform 2
Station / stop Oberschleißheim
Arrival arr 14:14
Departure dep 14:15
Platform 1
Station / stop München-Feldmoching
Arrival arr 14:18
Departure dep 14:19
Platform 1
Station / stop München-Fasanerie
Arrival arr 14:21
Departure dep 14:21
Platform 1
Station / stop München-Moosach
Arrival arr 14:23
Departure dep 14:24
Platform 5
Station / stop München-Laim
Arrival arr 14:28
Departure dep 14:28
Platform 2
Station / stop München Hirschgarten
Arrival arr 14:30
Departure dep 14:30
Platform 2
Arrival arr 14:32
Departure dep 14:32
Platform 3
Station / stop München Hackerbrücke
Arrival arr 14:33
Departure dep 14:34
Platform 1
Station / stop München Hbf (tief)
Arrival arr 14:35
Departure dep 14:35
Platform 1
Station / stop München Karlsplatz
Arrival arr 14:36
Departure dep 14:37
Platform 1
Station / stop München Marienplatz
Arrival arr 14:38
Departure dep 14:39
Platform 1
Station / stop München Isartor
Arrival arr 14:40
Departure dep 14:40
Platform 1
Arrival arr 14:42
Departure dep 14:42
Platform 1
Station / stop München Ost
Arrival arr 14:44
Departure dep 14:44
Platform 4
Station / stop München Leuchtenbergring
Arrival arr 14:46
Platform 3
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, 3. until 18. Aug 2024 Mo - Fr; not 15., 16. Aug, 12., 13. Oct, 9., 10. Nov (München Flughafen Terminal --> München Flughafen Besucherpark)
Days of operation: runs daily, 3. until 18. Aug 2024 Mo - Fr; not 15., 16. Aug, 12., 13. Oct, 9., 10. Nov (München Flughafen Besucherpark --> München Ost)
Days of operation: runs daily, 3. until 18. Aug 2024 Mo - Fr; not 15., 16. Aug, 12., 13. Oct, 9., 10. Nov (München Ost --> München Leuchtenbergring)
Operator: DB Regio AG S-Bahn München
conveying bicycles: mind the excluded times
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only

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