Route information for Bus 290

Route from the 26.04.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Bahnhof, Bad Saulgau
Departure dep 09:05
Arrival arr 09:08
Departure dep 09:08
Station / stop Rieden, Bad Saulgau
Arrival arr 09:10
Departure dep 09:10
Arrival arr 09:12
Departure dep 09:12
Arrival arr 09:15
Departure dep 09:15
Arrival arr 09:18
Departure dep 09:18
Arrival arr 09:19
Departure dep 09:19
Station / stop Rathaus, Altshausen
Arrival arr 09:22
Station / stop Bahnhof, Altshausen
Arrival arr 09:24
Please note
Days of operation: runs 26. Apr until 3. May 2024 Mo, Tu, Th, Fr
Anrufbus, tel. Voranmeldung am Vortag (Mo-Fr) 8-16 Uhr 07572/7603020
Kleinbus mit begrenzter Platzzahl - Kinderwagen und Rollstuhltauglich

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