Route information for Bus 129

Route from the 07.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Wettbergen, Hannover
Departure dep 23:56
Station / stop Hangstraße, Hannover
Arrival arr 23:57
Departure dep 23:57
Station / stop An der Kirche, Hannover
Arrival arr 23:58
Departure dep 23:58
Station / stop Neue Straße, Hannover
Arrival arr 23:59
Departure dep 23:59
Arrival arr 00:00
Departure dep 00:00
Station / stop Poggendiek, Hannover
Arrival arr 00:01
Departure dep 00:01
Station / stop Konradstraße, Hannover
Arrival arr 00:02
Departure dep 00:02
Station / stop Aarhushof, Hannover
Arrival arr 00:03
Departure dep 00:03
Station / stop Lohfeldweg, Hannover
Arrival arr 00:04
Departure dep 00:04
Arrival arr 00:05
Departure dep 00:05
Arrival arr 00:07
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 3., 31. Oct
Gruppen bitte 30 Min. vor Abfahrt unter Tel.: 0511 8484 anmelden.
Kleinbus; beschränkte Platzzahl
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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