Route information for NWB RB85 (74905)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Höxter-Ottbergen
Departure dep 07:34
Platform 11
Station / stop Beverungen-Wehrden
Arrival arr 07:39
Departure dep 07:39
Platform 1
Station / stop Lauenförde-Beverungen
Arrival arr 07:44
Departure dep 07:45
Platform 2
Station / stop Bad Karlshafen
Arrival arr 07:49
Departure dep 07:49
Platform 1
Station / stop Bodenfelde
Arrival arr 07:57
Departure dep 08:01
Platform 3
Station / stop Vernawahlshausen
Arrival arr 08:06
Departure dep 08:06
Platform 1
Station / stop Offensen(Kr North)
Arrival arr 08:13
Departure dep 08:13
Platform 1
Station / stop Adelebsen
Arrival arr 08:21
Departure dep 08:24
Platform 2
Station / stop Lödingsen
Arrival arr 08:29
Departure dep 08:29
Platform 1
Station / stop Lenglern
Arrival arr 08:36
Departure dep 08:36
Platform 1
Station / stop Göttingen
Arrival arr 08:45
Platform 7
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 3. Oct; also 7. until 28. Jul 2024
Operator: NordWestBahn
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
vehicle-mounted access aid
NordWestBahn-Servicetelefon: 0541 2002 4321

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