Route information for R 17519

Route from the 23.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Växjö station
Departure dep 14:22
Station / stop Gemla station
Arrival arr 14:28
Departure dep 14:28
Station / stop Alvesta station
Arrival arr 14:35
Departure dep 14:37
Station / stop Vislanda
Arrival arr 14:44
Departure dep 14:44
Station / stop Diö Station
Arrival arr 14:56
Departure dep 14:56
Station / stop Älmhult station
Arrival arr 15:03
Departure dep 15:03
Station / stop Killeberg Station
Arrival arr 15:09
Departure dep 15:09
Station / stop Osby(S)
Arrival arr 15:17
Departure dep 15:17
Station / stop Hästveda Station
Arrival arr 15:24
Departure dep 15:24
Station / stop Ballingslov Station
Arrival arr 15:31
Departure dep 15:31
Station / stop Hässleholm Central
Arrival arr 15:37
Please note
Days of operation: runs 23. Jun until 8. Oct 2024 (Växjö station --> Älmhult station)
Days of operation: runs 23. Jun until 8. Oct 2024; not 24., 25. Aug (Älmhult station --> Hässleholm Central)
2nd class only

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