Route information for RB 53 (14912)

Station / stop
Station / stop Iserlohn
Departure dep 07:50
Station / stop Iserlohnerheide
Arrival arr 07:54
Departure dep 07:54
Station / stop Kalthof(Kr Iserlohn)
Arrival arr 07:58
Departure dep 08:00
Station / stop Hennen
Arrival arr 08:02
Departure dep 08:03
Station / stop Schwerte-Ergste
Arrival arr 08:07
Departure dep 08:07
Station / stop Schwerte(Ruhr)
Arrival arr 08:13
Departure dep 08:17
Station / stop Dortmund-Aplerbeck Süd
Arrival arr 08:22
Departure dep 08:23
Station / stop Dortmund-Hörde
Arrival arr 08:27
Departure dep 08:28
Arrival arr 08:31
Departure dep 08:31
Station / stop Dortmund Hbf
Arrival arr 08:38
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily (Iserlohn --> Schwerte(Ruhr))
Days of operation: runs daily, not 1., 2. Jun (Schwerte(Ruhr) --> Dortmund Hbf)
Operator: DB Regio AG NRW
Important Note! Construction Works. Info: (Iserlohn --> Schwerte(Ruhr), runs 1., 2. Jun )
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
WC accessible for wheelchair
vehicle-mounted access aid

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