Route information for CB C15 (89776)

Station / stop
Station / stop Chemnitz Hbf
Departure dep 06:55
Station / stop Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
Arrival arr 06:59
Departure dep 06:59
Station / stop Niederwiesa
Arrival arr 07:04
Departure dep 07:05
Station / stop Braunsdorf-Lichtenwalde
Arrival arr 07:09
Departure dep 07:09
Station / stop Frankenberg(Sachs) Süd
Arrival arr 07:13
Departure dep 07:13
Station / stop Frankenberg(Sachs)
Arrival arr 07:15
Departure dep 07:16
Station / stop Dittersbach
Arrival arr 07:19
Departure dep 07:19
Station / stop Hainichen
Arrival arr 07:25
Please note
Days of operation: runs 2. until 30. Apr 2024 Mo - Fr; not 15. until 19. Apr 2024; also 14. Apr
Operator: City-Bahn Chemnitz
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
no bicycle transport charges
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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