Route information for RB 64 (20200)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Münster(Westf)Hbf
Departure dep 05:08
Platform 4
Station / stop Münster(W)Zentrum Nord
Arrival arr 05:12
Departure dep 05:14
Platform 2
Station / stop Münster-Häger
Arrival arr 05:19
Departure dep 05:20
Platform 1
Station / stop Altenberge
Arrival arr 05:25
Departure dep 05:26
Platform 2
Station / stop Nordwalde
Arrival arr 05:29
Departure dep 05:29
Platform 1
Station / stop Steinfurt-Borghorst
Arrival arr 05:34
Departure dep 05:35
Platform 2
Station / stop Steinfurt-Grottenkamp
Arrival arr 05:37
Departure dep 05:37
Platform 1
Station / stop Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt
Arrival arr 05:41
Departure dep 05:43
Platform 1
Station / stop Metelen Land
Arrival arr 05:48
Departure dep 05:48
Platform 1
Station / stop Ochtrup
Arrival arr 05:54
Departure dep 05:55
Platform 2
Station / stop Gronau(Westf)
Arrival arr 06:05
Departure dep 06:09
Platform 2
Station / stop Glanerbrug
Arrival arr 06:12
Departure dep 06:13
Platform 1
Station / stop Enschede De Eschmarke
Arrival arr 06:15
Departure dep 06:16
Platform 1
Station / stop Enschede
Arrival arr 06:20
Platform 4b
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Münster(Westf)Hbf --> Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt)
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 5. until 16. Aug 2024, 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt --> Gronau(Westf))
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 5. until 17. Aug 2024, 3. Oct, 1. Nov (Gronau(Westf) --> Enschede)
Operator: DB Regio AG NRW
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
WC accessible for wheelchair
vehicle-mounted access aid

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