Route information for R 11226

Route from the 25.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Limone
Departure dep 13:32
Station / stop Vernante
Arrival arr 13:41
Departure dep 13:42
Station / stop Robilante
Arrival arr 13:48
Departure dep 13:49
Station / stop Roccavione
Arrival arr 13:53
Departure dep 13:54
Station / stop Borgo S. Dalmazzo
Arrival arr 13:56
Departure dep 14:01
Station / stop Cuneo
Arrival arr 14:11
Departure dep 14:12
Station / stop Centallo
Arrival arr 14:21
Departure dep 14:22
Station / stop Fossano
Arrival arr 14:35
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 15. Aug, 1. Nov (Limone --> Cuneo)
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 15. Aug, 1. Nov (Cuneo --> Fossano)
Operator: Trenitalia
Number of bicycles conveyed limited (runs Mo - Fr, not 15. Aug, 1. Nov )
2nd class only
space for wheelchairs (runs Mo - Fr, not 15. Aug, 1. Nov )

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