Route information for ag RB51 (84218)

Route from the 24.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Regensburg Hbf
Departure dep 00:24
Station / stop Regensburg-Prüfening
Arrival arr 00:27
Departure dep 00:28
Station / stop Etterzhausen
Arrival arr 00:32
Departure dep 00:32
Station / stop Undorf
Arrival arr 00:35
Departure dep 00:36
Station / stop Deuerling
Arrival arr 00:38
Departure dep 00:39
Station / stop Laaber
Arrival arr 00:42
Departure dep 00:42
Station / stop Beratzhausen
Arrival arr 00:47
Departure dep 00:48
Station / stop Mausheim
Arrival arr 00:52
Departure dep 00:52
Station / stop Parsberg
Arrival arr 00:56
Departure dep 00:57
Station / stop Seubersdorf
Arrival arr 01:01
Departure dep 01:02
Station / stop Batzhausen
Arrival arr 01:04
Departure dep 01:05
Station / stop Deining(Oberpf)
Arrival arr 01:09
Departure dep 01:10
Station / stop Neumarkt(Oberpf)
Arrival arr 01:18
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 15. Jun until 25. Jul 2024 (Regensburg Hbf --> Parsberg)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 6. until 19. Jul 2024 (Parsberg --> Neumarkt(Oberpf))
Operator: agilis
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Behindertengerechte Ausstattung
power sockets for laptop
air conditioning
Wifi available

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