Route information for SWERB43a (69840)

Route from the 03.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Immendingen
Departure dep 12:33
Platform 1
Station / stop Immendingen Mitte
Arrival arr 12:34
Departure dep 12:34
Platform 1
Station / stop Möhringen Rathaus
Arrival arr 12:38
Departure dep 12:39
Platform 1
Station / stop Möhringen Bahnhof
Arrival arr 12:40
Departure dep 12:40
Platform 1
Station / stop Tuttlingen Gänsäcker
Arrival arr 12:42
Departure dep 12:42
Platform 1
Station / stop Tuttlingen
Arrival arr 12:46
Departure dep 12:51
Platform 4
Station / stop Tuttlingen Zentrum
Arrival arr 12:52
Departure dep 12:54
Platform 1
Station / stop Tuttlingen Nord
Arrival arr 12:56
Departure dep 12:56
Platform 1
Station / stop Nendingen(b Tuttlingen)
Arrival arr 12:59
Departure dep 12:59
Platform 1
Station / stop Stetten(Donau)
Arrival arr 13:01
Departure dep 13:02
Platform 1
Station / stop Mühlheim(b Tuttlingen)
Arrival arr 13:03
Platform 1
Please note
Days of operation: runs 3. until 16. May 2024 Mo - Fr; not 9. May
Operator: SWEG Südwestdeutsche Landesverkehrs-GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
only stops on request (Mühlheim(b Tuttlingen) --> Mühlheim(b Tuttlingen))
only stops on request (Stetten(Donau) --> Stetten(Donau))
only stops on request (Nendingen(b Tuttlingen) --> Nendingen(b Tuttlingen))
only stops on request (Tuttlingen Nord --> Tuttlingen Nord)
only stops on request (Tuttlingen Zentrum --> Tuttlingen Zentrum)
only stops on request (Tuttlingen Gänsäcker --> Tuttlingen Gänsäcker)
only stops on request (Möhringen Bahnhof --> Möhringen Bahnhof)
only stops on request (Möhringen Rathaus --> Möhringen Rathaus)
only stops on request (Immendingen Mitte --> Immendingen Mitte)
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