Route information for Os 8850

Route from the 27.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Cesky Brod
Departure dep 15:04
Station / stop Rostoklaty
Arrival arr 15:08
Departure dep 15:08
Station / stop Tuklaty
Arrival arr 15:11
Departure dep 15:11
Station / stop Uvaly
Arrival arr 15:14
Departure dep 15:15
Station / stop Praha-Klanovice
Arrival arr 15:18
Departure dep 15:18
Station / stop Praha-Bechovice stred
Arrival arr 15:21
Departure dep 15:21
Station / stop Praha-Bechovice
Arrival arr 15:23
Departure dep 15:24
Station / stop Praha-Dolni Pocernice
Arrival arr 15:26
Departure dep 15:26
Station / stop Praha-Kyje
Arrival arr 15:29
Departure dep 15:29
Station / stop Praha-Liben
Arrival arr 15:33
Departure dep 15:34
Station / stop Praha hl.n.
Arrival arr 15:40
Departure dep 15:45
Station / stop Praha-Smichov
Arrival arr 15:52
Departure dep 15:53
Station / stop Praha-Velka Chuchle
Arrival arr 15:59
Departure dep 15:59
Station / stop Praha-Radotin
Arrival arr 16:02
Departure dep 16:03
Station / stop Cernosice
Arrival arr 16:07
Departure dep 16:08
Station / stop Cernosice-Mokropsy
Arrival arr 16:10
Departure dep 16:10
Station / stop Vsenory
Arrival arr 16:13
Departure dep 16:13
Station / stop Dobrichovice
Arrival arr 16:15
Departure dep 16:16
Station / stop Revnice
Arrival arr 16:19
Departure dep 16:20
Station / stop Zadni Treban
Arrival arr 16:22
Departure dep 16:23
Station / stop Karlstejn
Arrival arr 16:27
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 5. Jul, 28. Oct (Cesky Brod --> Praha hl.n.)
Days of operation: runs daily (Praha hl.n. --> Karlstejn)
Operator: Ceske Drahy
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Wifi available

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