Route information for Os 4769

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Bratislava
Departure dep 14:38
Station / stop Bratislava-Vinohrady
Arrival arr 14:42
Departure dep 14:43
Station / stop Bratislava-Vajnory
Arrival arr 14:47
Departure dep 14:48
Station / stop Ivanka pri Dunaji
Arrival arr 14:51
Departure dep 14:52
Station / stop Bernolakovo
Arrival arr 14:55
Departure dep 14:56
Station / stop Velky Biel
Arrival arr 14:59
Departure dep 15:00
Station / stop Senec
Arrival arr 15:03
Departure dep 15:04
Station / stop Sladkovicovo
Arrival arr 15:13
Departure dep 15:14
Station / stop Galanta
Arrival arr 15:20
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 5. Jul, 29. Aug, 1. Nov
Operator: ZSSK
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
space for wheelchairs
power sockets for laptop
Free Wifi in Germany and abroad

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