Route information for RE 54 (4607)

Route from the 28.06.24 Coach sequence

Station / stop
Station / stop Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
Departure dep 08:34
Platform 9
Station / stop Frankfurt(Main)Süd
Arrival arr 08:39
Departure dep 08:40
Platform 6
Station / stop Offenbach(Main)Hbf
Arrival arr 08:44
Departure dep 08:45
Platform 3
Station / stop Hanau Hbf
Arrival arr 08:55
Departure dep 08:58
Platform 103
Station / stop Kahl(Main)
Arrival arr 09:03
Departure dep 09:03
Platform 2
Station / stop Dettingen(Main)
Arrival arr 09:06
Departure dep 09:07
Platform 1
Station / stop Kleinostheim
Arrival arr 09:10
Departure dep 09:11
Platform 1
Station / stop Aschaffenburg Hbf
Arrival arr 09:15
Departure dep 09:16
Platform 6
Station / stop Heigenbrücken
Arrival arr 09:26
Departure dep 09:27
Platform 2
Station / stop Partenstein
Arrival arr 09:35
Departure dep 09:36
Platform 2
Station / stop Lohr Bahnhof
Arrival arr 09:41
Departure dep 09:41
Platform 1
Station / stop Langenprozelten
Arrival arr 09:47
Departure dep 09:48
Platform 1
Station / stop Gemünden(Main)
Arrival arr 09:51
Departure dep 09:52
Platform 7
Station / stop Karlstadt(Main)
Arrival arr 10:00
Departure dep 10:00
Platform 2
Station / stop Retzbach-Zellingen
Arrival arr 10:05
Departure dep 10:05
Platform 3
Station / stop Würzburg Hbf
Arrival arr 10:21
Platform 10A-C
Please note
Days of operation: runs 28. Jun until 25. Jul 2024 Mo - Fr; also 20., 21. Jul
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Reservations at DB ticket machines/travel centres + many DB agencies
vehicle-mounted access aid
air conditioning

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Payment options

Coach sequence

Please select the station for which you wish to see the coach sequence.