Route information for STN RB12 (21500)

Route from the 15.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Königstein(Taunus)
Departure dep 17:02
Station / stop Schneidhain
Arrival arr 17:05
Departure dep 17:06
Station / stop Kelkheim-Hornau
Arrival arr 17:10
Departure dep 17:10
Station / stop Kelkheim
Arrival arr 17:12
Departure dep 17:14
Station / stop Kelkheim-Münster
Arrival arr 17:16
Departure dep 17:16
Station / stop Liederbach
Arrival arr 17:19
Departure dep 17:19
Station / stop Liederbach-Süd
Arrival arr 17:21
Departure dep 17:22
Station / stop Frankfurt-Unterliederbach
Arrival arr 17:24
Departure dep 17:25
Station / stop Frankfurt-Höchst
Arrival arr 17:27
Departure dep 17:29
Platform 12
Station / stop Frankfurt(Main)Hbf
Arrival arr 17:40
Platform 21
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 3. Oct
Operator: Regionalverkehre Start Deutschland GmbH (Start Taunus)
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
space for wheelchairs
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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