Route information for DBK74496

Route from the 01.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Stuttgart Hbf
Departure dep 09:30
Platform 13
Station / stop Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
Departure dep 09:36
Platform 7
Station / stop Waiblingen
Departure dep 09:47
Platform 6
Station / stop Endersbach
Departure dep 09:54
Platform 2
Station / stop Schorndorf
Arrival arr 10:07
Departure dep 10:30
Platform 5
Station / stop Haubersbronn
Arrival arr 10:34
Departure dep 10:35
Station / stop Miedelsbach-Steinenberg
Arrival arr 10:38
Departure dep 10:39
Station / stop Michelau(Württ)
Arrival arr 10:43
Departure dep 10:44
Station / stop Rudersberg
Arrival arr 10:47
Departure dep 10:49
Station / stop Rudersberg-Oberndorf
Arrival arr 10:52
Departure dep 10:54
Station / stop Laufenmühle
Arrival arr 11:08
Departure dep 11:11
Station / stop Breitenfürst
Arrival arr 11:18
Departure dep 11:19
Station / stop Tannwald
Arrival arr 11:23
Station / stop Welzheim
Arrival arr 11:30
Please note
Days of operation: runs 1. May, 21. Jul, 3. Oct, 1. Dec
Operator: DBK Historische Bahn e.V.
Deutschland-Ticket not valid
Es gilt ein besonderer Fahrpreis
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Please reserve
Tickets available on board train
no bicycle transport charges
SnackPoint/Snacks on board the train
museum train
Steam train

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