Route information for RB 50 (89950)

Route from the 23.05.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Dortmund Hbf
Departure dep 21:35
Station / stop Dortmund-Kirchderne
Arrival arr 21:40
Departure dep 21:40
Station / stop Dortmund-Derne
Arrival arr 21:42
Departure dep 21:43
Station / stop Lünen-Preußen
Arrival arr 21:45
Departure dep 21:46
Station / stop Lünen Hbf
Arrival arr 21:49
Departure dep 21:50
Station / stop Werne a d Lippe
Arrival arr 21:55
Departure dep 21:55
Station / stop Capelle(Westf)
Arrival arr 21:59
Departure dep 22:01
Station / stop Ascheberg(Westf)
Arrival arr 22:04
Departure dep 22:05
Station / stop Davensberg
Arrival arr 22:09
Departure dep 22:10
Station / stop Münster-Amelsbüren
Arrival arr 22:14
Departure dep 22:15
Station / stop Münster(Westf)Hbf
Arrival arr 22:26
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 7. until 13. Jun 2024, 17. Jul, 1., 3., 14. Aug, 11. Sep (Dortmund Hbf --> Dortmund-Derne)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 17. Jul, 1., 3., 14. Aug, 11. Sep (Dortmund-Derne --> Lünen Hbf)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 15., 17. Jul, 12., 14. Aug, 9., 11. Sep (Lünen Hbf --> Werne a d Lippe)
Days of operation: runs daily, not 15., 17. Jul, 12., 14. Aug, 9., 11. Sep (Werne a d Lippe --> Capelle(Westf))
Days of operation: runs daily, not 15. Jul, 12. Aug, 9. Sep (Capelle(Westf) --> Münster(Westf)Hbf)
Operator: eurobahn
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Behindertengerechte Ausstattung
vehicle-mounted access aid
Ticket machine on the train
air conditioning

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