Route information for Bus 28

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Departure dep 08:06
Platform D
Station / stop Genève-Aéroport, WTC
Arrival arr 08:07
Departure dep 08:07
Platform T
Arrival arr 08:07
Departure dep 08:07
Platform V
Station / stop Genève-Aéroport, ICC
Arrival arr 08:09
Departure dep 08:09
Platform H
Arrival arr 08:09
Departure dep 08:09
Platform F
Station / stop Vernier, Blandonnet
Arrival arr 08:11
Departure dep 08:11
Platform G
Station / stop Vernier, Etang Casa-Bamba
Arrival arr 08:14
Departure dep 08:14
Platform H
Station / stop Vernier, Etang Place
Arrival arr 08:15
Departure dep 08:15
Platform F
Station / stop Vernier, Bois-des-Frères
Arrival arr 08:18
Departure dep 08:18
Platform N
Station / stop Vernier, Château-Bloch
Arrival arr 08:19
Departure dep 08:19
Platform P
Station / stop Vernier, Lignon Cité
Arrival arr 08:20
Departure dep 08:20
Platform T
Station / stop Vernier, Lignon Tours
Arrival arr 08:22
Departure dep 08:22
Platform Y
Station / stop Vernier, Lignon Cité
Arrival arr 08:23
Departure dep 08:23
Platform U
Station / stop Vernier, Grand-Champ
Arrival arr 08:24
Departure dep 08:24
Platform B
Station / stop Vernier, Aïre
Arrival arr 08:25
Departure dep 08:25
Platform D
Station / stop Vernier, Pont-Butin
Arrival arr 08:27
Departure dep 08:27
Platform Y
Arrival arr 08:29
Departure dep 08:29
Platform O
Station / stop Petit-Lancy, Bossons
Arrival arr 08:31
Departure dep 08:31
Platform G
Station / stop Petit-Lancy, Les Esserts
Arrival arr 08:32
Platform E
Please note
Days of operation:
        5    10   15   20   25   30
Dec     ¦    ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  ¦    ¦ 
Jan     ¦  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxx
Feb xx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx   ¦    ¦xxxx¦ 
Mar x  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxx ¦ 
Apr     ¦    ¦    xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xx 
May xxx ¦xxx ¦  xxxxx  ¦xxxx¦ xxxxx
Jun   xxxxx  xxxxx¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦ 
Aug     ¦    ¦    ¦   xxxxx ¦xxxxx 
Sep  xxx¦x  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  x 
Oct xxxx¦ xxxxx  xxxxx ¦    ¦  xxxx
Nov x  xxxxx ¦xxxxx  xxxxx  xxxxx¦ 
Dec  xxxxx  xxxxx ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
Operator: Transports Publics Genevois
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Low-floor coach

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