Route information for ENO RE30 (83532)

Route from the 15.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Wolfsburg Hbf
Departure dep 21:14
Platform 4
Station / stop Fallersleben
Arrival arr 21:18
Departure dep 21:18
Platform 1
Station / stop Calberlah
Arrival arr 21:22
Departure dep 21:23
Platform 1
Station / stop Gifhorn
Arrival arr 21:27
Departure dep 21:31
Platform 3
Station / stop Leiferde(b Gifhorn)
Arrival arr 21:36
Departure dep 21:36
Platform 1
Station / stop Meinersen
Arrival arr 21:41
Departure dep 21:42
Platform 3
Station / stop Dedenhausen
Arrival arr 21:45
Departure dep 21:46
Platform 1
Station / stop Dollbergen
Arrival arr 21:49
Departure dep 21:50
Platform 1
Station / stop Immensen-Arpke
Arrival arr 21:54
Departure dep 21:55
Platform 1
Station / stop Lehrte
Arrival arr 22:00
Departure dep 22:01
Platform 1
Station / stop Hannover Hbf
Arrival arr 22:11
Platform 14 D-F
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily
Operator: enno
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
space for wheelchairs

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