Route information for VIA RB86 (25271)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Hanau Hbf
Departure dep 09:35
Platform 106
Station / stop Hanau Klein-Auheim
Arrival arr 09:38
Departure dep 09:39
Platform 1
Station / stop Hainburg Hainstadt
Arrival arr 09:41
Departure dep 09:42
Platform 1
Station / stop Seligenstadt(Hess)
Arrival arr 09:46
Departure dep 09:46
Platform 2
Station / stop Mainhausen Zellhausen
Arrival arr 09:49
Departure dep 09:50
Platform 1
Station / stop Babenhausen(Hess)
Arrival arr 09:56
Departure dep 10:01
Platform 4
Station / stop Babenhausen Langstadt
Arrival arr 10:05
Departure dep 10:05
Platform 1
Arrival arr 10:08
Departure dep 10:09
Platform 1
Station / stop Groß-Umstadt Mitte
Arrival arr 10:13
Departure dep 10:14
Platform 2
Station / stop Groß-Umstadt Wiebelsbach
Arrival arr 10:17
Platform 2
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Sa, not 3. Oct
Operator: VIAS Rail GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
vehicle-mounted access aid
air conditioning

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