Route information for R 7967

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Geraardsbergen
Departure dep 07:35
Platform 5
Station / stop Lierde
Arrival arr 07:42
Departure dep 07:42
Platform 1
Station / stop Zottegem
Arrival arr 07:49
Departure dep 07:57
Platform 1
Station / stop Balegem-Zuid
Arrival arr 08:01
Departure dep 08:01
Platform 2
Station / stop Balegem-Dorp
Arrival arr 08:04
Departure dep 08:04
Platform 2
Station / stop Scheldewindeke
Arrival arr 08:07
Departure dep 08:08
Platform 2
Station / stop Moortsele
Arrival arr 08:11
Departure dep 08:11
Platform 2
Station / stop Landskouter
Arrival arr 08:14
Departure dep 08:14
Platform 2
Station / stop Gontrode
Arrival arr 08:16
Departure dep 08:16
Platform 2
Station / stop Melle(B)
Arrival arr 08:20
Departure dep 08:21
Platform 2
Station / stop Merelbeke
Arrival arr 08:24
Departure dep 08:25
Platform 1
Station / stop Gent St Pieters
Arrival arr 08:31
Platform 9
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 15. Aug, 1., 11. Nov
Operator: SNCB

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