Route information for Bus 136

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Aalemannufer, Berlin
Departure dep 15:46
Arrival arr 15:47
Departure dep 15:47
Station / stop Werderstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 15:48
Departure dep 15:48
Station / stop Mertensstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 15:49
Departure dep 15:49
Station / stop Rauchstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 15:50
Departure dep 15:50
Station / stop Amorbacher Weg, Berlin
Arrival arr 15:52
Departure dep 15:52
Station / stop Havelschanze, Berlin
Arrival arr 15:53
Departure dep 15:53
Station / stop Klinikum Spandau, Berlin
Arrival arr 15:54
Departure dep 15:54
Station / stop Eiswerderstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 15:56
Departure dep 15:56
Station / stop Kirchhofstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 15:57
Departure dep 15:57
Station / stop Wröhmännerpark, Berlin
Arrival arr 15:59
Departure dep 15:59
Station / stop Moritzstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 16:01
Departure dep 16:01
Arrival arr 16:04
Departure dep 16:04
Station / stop Galenstr., Berlin
Arrival arr 16:06
Please note
Days of operation: runs 28. Jun until 17. Jul 2024 Mo - Fr
no bicycle transport
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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