Route information for Bus 229

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Neuperlach Süd, München
Departure dep 20:25
Arrival arr 20:29
Departure dep 20:29
Station / stop Neubiberg
Arrival arr 20:32
Departure dep 20:32
Station / stop Rathaus, Neubiberg
Arrival arr 20:32
Departure dep 20:32
Station / stop Kaiserstraße, Neubiberg
Arrival arr 20:33
Departure dep 20:33
Arrival arr 20:33
Departure dep 20:33
Station / stop Schulzstraße, Neubiberg
Arrival arr 20:34
Departure dep 20:34
Station / stop Gymnasium, Neubiberg
Arrival arr 20:35
Departure dep 20:35
Station / stop Erlenstraße, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:37
Departure dep 20:37
Station / stop Lenbachallee, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:38
Departure dep 20:38
Station / stop Kleiststraße, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:39
Departure dep 20:39
Station / stop Tulpenweg, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:40
Departure dep 20:40
Arrival arr 20:41
Departure dep 20:41
Arrival arr 20:43
Departure dep 20:43
Station / stop Am Brunneck, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:45
Departure dep 20:45
Station / stop Mozartstraße, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:46
Departure dep 20:46
Station / stop Rathausstraße, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:47
Departure dep 20:47
Station / stop Ortsmitte, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:48
Departure dep 20:48
Station / stop Lindenstraße, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:49
Departure dep 20:49
Station / stop Parkfriedhof, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:50
Departure dep 20:50
Station / stop Phönix-Bad, Ottobrunn
Arrival arr 20:52
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 15. Aug, 3. Oct, 1. Nov

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