Route information for Bus EV

Route from the 16.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Hauptbahnhof, Regensburg
Departure dep 12:02
Arrival arr 12:18
Departure dep 12:19
Station / stop Obertraubling
Arrival arr 12:25
Departure dep 12:26
Station / stop Abzw. Bahnhof, Sünching
Arrival arr 12:50
Departure dep 12:51
Station / stop Radldorf(Niederbay)
Arrival arr 12:57
Departure dep 12:58
Station / stop Bahnhof, Straubing
Arrival arr 13:14
Departure dep 13:15
Arrival arr 13:32
Departure dep 13:32
Station / stop Bahnhof, Plattling
Arrival arr 13:50
Please note
Days of operation: runs 16. Jun
Operator: agilis
Train replacement bus
bus stop is not near the station (Obertraubling --> Obertraubling)

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