Route information for 30922

Route from the 16.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Winterswijk
Departure dep 09:20
Platform 1b
Station / stop Aalten
Arrival arr 09:30
Departure dep 09:30
Platform 2
Station / stop Varsseveld
Arrival arr 09:38
Departure dep 09:38
Platform 1
Station / stop Terborg
Arrival arr 09:44
Departure dep 09:45
Platform 1
Station / stop Gaanderen
Arrival arr 09:47
Departure dep 09:47
Platform 1
Station / stop Doetinchem
Arrival arr 09:52
Departure dep 09:53
Platform 1
Station / stop Doetinchem De Huet
Arrival arr 09:56
Departure dep 09:56
Platform 1
Station / stop Wehl
Arrival arr 09:59
Departure dep 10:00
Platform 1
Station / stop Didam
Arrival arr 10:05
Departure dep 10:05
Platform 1
Station / stop Zevenaar
Arrival arr 10:09
Departure dep 10:10
Platform 1
Station / stop Duiven
Arrival arr 10:14
Departure dep 10:14
Platform 1
Station / stop Westervoort
Arrival arr 10:18
Departure dep 10:18
Platform 1
Station / stop Arnhem Velperpoort
Arrival arr 10:22
Departure dep 10:22
Platform 1
Station / stop Arnhem Centraal
Arrival arr 10:25
Platform 6b
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 29. Jun until 9. Jul 2024 (Winterswijk --> Doetinchem)
Days of operation: runs daily (Doetinchem --> Arnhem Centraal)
Operator: Arriva Nederland
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
space for wheelchairs

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