Route information for RE 32 (3456)

Station / stop
Station / stop Bayreuth Hbf
Departure dep 22:14
Station / stop Creußen(Oberfr)
Arrival arr 22:23
Departure dep 22:28
Station / stop Pegnitz
Arrival arr 22:37
Departure dep 22:44
Station / stop Neuhaus(Pegnitz)
Arrival arr 22:53
Departure dep 22:54
Station / stop Hersbruck(r Pegnitz)
Arrival arr 23:06
Departure dep 23:09
Station / stop Nürnberg Hbf
Arrival arr 23:24
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily, not 15. until 17. Mar 2024, 30. Apr
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
air conditioning

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