Route information for U 2

Route from the 15.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Nürnberg Flughafen
Departure dep 20:38
Station / stop Nürnberg Ziegelstein
Arrival arr 20:40
Departure dep 20:40
Station / stop Nürnberg Herrnhütte
Arrival arr 20:42
Departure dep 20:42
Station / stop Nürnberg Nordostbahnhof
Arrival arr 20:44
Departure dep 20:44
Station / stop Nürnberg Schoppershof
Arrival arr 20:45
Departure dep 20:45
Station / stop Nürnberg Rennweg
Arrival arr 20:46
Departure dep 20:46
Station / stop Nürnberg Rathenauplatz
Arrival arr 20:48
Departure dep 20:48
Station / stop Nürnberg Wöhrder Wiese
Arrival arr 20:49
Departure dep 20:49
Station / stop Nürnberg Hauptbahnhof
Arrival arr 20:51
Departure dep 20:51
Station / stop Nürnberg Opernhaus
Arrival arr 20:52
Departure dep 20:52
Station / stop Nürnberg Plärrer
Arrival arr 20:54
Departure dep 20:54
Arrival arr 20:56
Departure dep 20:56
Station / stop Nürnberg St. Leonhard
Arrival arr 20:57
Departure dep 20:57
Station / stop Nürnberg Schweinau
Arrival arr 20:58
Departure dep 20:58
Station / stop Nürnberg Hohe Marter
Arrival arr 21:00
Departure dep 21:00
Station / stop Nürnberg Röthenbach
Arrival arr 21:01
Please note
Days of operation: runs 15. until 29. Jun 2024 Sa

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