Route information for SWE RB66 (86266)

Route from the 18.04.24

Station / stop
Station / stop Sigmaringen
Departure dep 14:47
Platform 6
Station / stop Storzingen
Arrival arr 15:00
Departure dep 15:01
Platform 2
Station / stop Straßberg-Winterlingen
Arrival arr 15:08
Departure dep 15:08
Platform 1
Station / stop Albstadt-Ebingen
Arrival arr 15:14
Departure dep 15:15
Platform 1
Station / stop Albstadt-Ebingen West
Arrival arr 15:17
Departure dep 15:18
Platform 1
Station / stop Albstadt-Lautlingen
Arrival arr 15:21
Departure dep 15:21
Platform 1
Station / stop Albstadt-Laufen Ort
Arrival arr 15:24
Departure dep 15:25
Platform 1
Station / stop Frommern
Arrival arr 15:28
Departure dep 15:29
Platform 1
Station / stop Balingen Süd
Arrival arr 15:32
Departure dep 15:33
Platform 1
Station / stop Balingen(Württ)
Arrival arr 15:35
Departure dep 15:43
Platform 3
Station / stop Engstlatt
Arrival arr 15:45
Departure dep 15:46
Platform 1
Station / stop Bisingen
Arrival arr 15:50
Departure dep 15:50
Platform 1
Station / stop Hechingen
Arrival arr 15:58
Departure dep 16:01
Platform 2
Station / stop Bodelshausen
Arrival arr 16:04
Departure dep 16:05
Platform 1
Arrival arr 16:07
Departure dep 16:08
Platform 1
Station / stop Mössingen
Arrival arr 16:10
Departure dep 16:12
Platform 1
Station / stop Nehren
Arrival arr 16:14
Departure dep 16:15
Platform 1
Station / stop Dußlingen
Arrival arr 16:19
Departure dep 16:19
Platform 2
Station / stop Tübingen-Derendingen
Arrival arr 16:24
Departure dep 16:25
Platform 1
Station / stop Tübingen Hbf
Arrival arr 16:28
Platform 3
Please note
Days of operation: runs daily
Operator: SWEG Südwestdeutsche Landesverkehrs-GmbH
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
2nd class only
only stops on request (Engstlatt --> Engstlatt)
only stops on request (Balingen Süd --> Balingen Süd)
only stops on request (Frommern --> Frommern)
only stops on request (Albstadt-Laufen Ort --> Albstadt-Laufen Ort)
only stops on request (Albstadt-Lautlingen --> Albstadt-Lautlingen)
Accessaid - Bitte im ersten Fahrzeug einsteigen
Behindertengerechtes Fahrzeug

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