Route information for Bus 27

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Departure dep 19:13
Platform C
Station / stop Arnimstraße, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:15
Departure dep 19:15
Platform D
Station / stop Schule Bossental, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:16
Departure dep 19:16
Station / stop Rotdornweg, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:17
Departure dep 19:17
Station / stop Schlehenweg, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:18
Departure dep 19:18
Station / stop Höheweg, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:19
Departure dep 19:19
Station / stop Schule Wolfsanger, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:20
Departure dep 19:20
Arrival arr 19:21
Departure dep 19:21
Station / stop Wolfsgraben, Kassel
Arrival arr 19:23
Platform B
Please note
Days of operation: runs 28. Jun until 2. Aug 2024 Mo - Fr
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
vehicle-mounted access aid

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