Route information for BRB RB58 (79603)

Route from the 28.06.24

Station / stop
Station / stop München Hbf Gl.27-36
Departure dep 08:09
Platform 36
Arrival arr 08:11
Departure dep 08:12
Platform 2
Station / stop München Heimeranplatz
Arrival arr 08:14
Departure dep 08:15
Platform 1
Station / stop München Harras
Arrival arr 08:17
Departure dep 08:17
Platform 2
Station / stop München Siemenswerke
Arrival arr 08:20
Departure dep 08:20
Platform 2
Station / stop München-Solln
Arrival arr 08:22
Departure dep 08:23
Platform 1
Station / stop Deisenhofen
Arrival arr 08:28
Platform 3
Please note
Days of operation: runs Mo - Fr, not 29. Jul until 13. Aug 2024, 15. until 20. Aug 2024, 3. Oct, 1. Nov
Operator: Bayerische Regiobahn
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Behindertengerechte Ausstattung
vehicle-mounted access aid
power sockets for laptop
air conditioning

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