Route information for RB 66 (59630)

Route from the 24.05.24 Coach sequence

Station / stop
Station / stop Kochel
Departure dep 17:44
Station / stop Benediktbeuern
Arrival arr 17:51
Departure dep 17:51
Station / stop Bichl
Arrival arr 17:54
Departure dep 17:58
Station / stop Penzberg
Arrival arr 18:02
Departure dep 18:02
Station / stop Iffeldorf
Arrival arr 18:07
Departure dep 18:07
Station / stop Seeshaupt
Arrival arr 18:13
Departure dep 18:13
Station / stop Bernried
Arrival arr 18:17
Departure dep 18:17
Station / stop Tutzing
Arrival arr 18:24
Departure dep 18:32
Station / stop Starnberg
Arrival arr 18:39
Departure dep 18:40
Station / stop München-Pasing
Arrival arr 18:52
Departure dep 18:53
Station / stop München Hbf Gl.27-36
Arrival arr 19:00
Please note
Days of operation: runs 24. May until 31. Oct 2024 Mo - Fr; not 30. May, 15. Aug, 3. Oct
Operator: DB Regio AG Bayern
Number of bicycles conveyed limited
Reservations at DB ticket machines/travel centres + many DB agencies
vehicle-mounted access aid

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Coach sequence

Please select the station for which you wish to see the coach sequence.